U okviru projekta STATUS (Steering Transition and Advancement of Tertiary Underrepresented Students, 2021-1-RS01-KA220-HED-000032129, 2021–2024) 12. 10. i 13. 10. 2023. na Univerzitetu Madeira u Funšalu – Portugal (Universidade da Madeira – Funchal, Madeira), održan je treći sastanak projektnih partnera (Third Transnational Project Meeting – Development Workshop 3). Visoka strukovna vaspitačka i medicinska škola u Vršcu [u daljem tekstu: Visoka škola u Vršcu] je koordinator ovoga projekta, odobrenog u okviru Erazmus+ programa, a projektni konzorcijum čine predstavnici Univerziteta ,,1. decembar 1918.” (Alba Julija, Rumunija), Univerziteta Madeira (Portugal), Univerziteta iz Palerma (Italija), WEBIN-a (Western Balkans Institute, Beograd, Srbija), kao i predstavnici CESIE (Palermo, Italija). Tematski fokus projekta je na stvaranju podsticajnog okruženja na tercijarnom nivou obrazovanja za zadržavanje nedovoljno zastupljenih studenata (Romi, migranti, socijalno deprivirane grupe i dr.), u nacionalnim i evropskim kontekstima. Pored toga, projekat nastoji da doprinese efikasnijoj praksi saradnje visokoškolskih ustanova sa civilnim sektorom i drugim relevantnim zainteresovanim stranama u lokalnoj i nacionalnoj zajednici.
Prvog dana sastanka, nakon pozdravnih reči dekana Fakulteta umetnosti i humanističkih nauka (Faculdade artes e humanidades) – Joaquim José Sanches Pinheiro i domaćina skupa – prof. Alcina Sousa i prof. Gonçalo Gouveia – sa Univerziteta u Maderi, kao i koordinatora projekta – dr Jelene Prtljage, razmotrena su tekuća pitanja iz oblasti upravljanja projektom, kao i oblasti kvaliteta. U popodnevnoj sesiji usledile su prezentacije dosadašnjeg rada na projektnom rezultatu 2 i rezultatu 3, a prema izveštavanju predstavnika projektnih partnera, kao i koordinatora pojedinačnih projektnih paketa. Ovi projektni rezultati podrazumevaju razvijanje programa obuke za nastavno i nenastavno osoblje, koncipiranje prateće publikacije, kao i prikupljanje, razmenu i kreiranje drugih materijala iz oblasti međusektorske saradnje, usmerenih na efikasan pristup i podršku postignućima studenata koji su u fokusu projekta. Pored ostalog, prezentovani su doprinosi Visoke škole u Vršcu na kreiranju programa i materijala za pripremu i realizaciju obuka za (ne)nastavno osoblje u oblasti interkulturalnosti (priprema prezentacije i izlaganje: dr Ivana Đorđev, Visoka strukovna vaspitačka i medicinska škola u Vršcu). Prvi radni dan sastanka održan je u univerzitetskom kampusu (Campus da Penteada, sala 0.57). Upotpunjen je obilaskom dela kampusa, a zaokružen posetom tradicionalnom portugalskom restoranu i folkloru.
Drugog dana sastanka razmatrane su tekuće aktivnosti partnera, diskusija i prateći zadaci, a u vezi sa rezultatom 4, kao i predstavljanje i planiranje rezultata 5, plan implementacije projektom predviđenih aktivnosti (obuke za nastavno i nenastavno osoblje i studente, kao i za predstavnike civilnog sektora), te diseminacija projektnih rezultata. Pažnja je posvećena i planiranju i određivanja vremenskih okvira za pripremu i realizaciju događaja koji se organizuju kako bi se rezultati podelili sa širom javnošću (Multiplier Events). U ovom međunarodnom projektnom radu, koji je protekao u izuzetno prijatnoj i veoma dinamičnoj radnom atmosferi, učestvovali su: dr Teodora Iordanescu Popescu, dr Crina Herteg (Universitatea ,,1 Decembrie 1918”), dr Alcina Sousa, dr Gonçalo Gouveia (Universidade da Madeira), Jelena Nastić-Stojanović, Sanja Kovačević (Western Balkans Institute – WEBIN) Jelena Mazaj, Giulia Tarantino (CESIE), dr Gianna Capello, Paola Macaluso (Universita Degli Studi di Palermo). Ispred Visoke škole u Vršcu sastanku su prisustvovali: dr Jelena Prtljaga, dr Marija Aleksandrović i dr Ivana Đorđev. Projektni sastanak upotpunjen je upoznavanjem sa znamenitostima, kulturom, običajima, bogatom florom i faunom portugalskog ostrva Madeire u severnom Atlantskom okeanu.
The third transnational meeting within the STATUS project (Steering Transition and Advancement of Tertiary Underrepresented Students, 2021-1-RS01-KA220-HED-000032129, 2021–2024) took place on October 12th and 13th, 2023, at the University of Madeira in Funchal, Portugal. The Preschool Teacher Training and Medical College in Vršac is the coordinator of this project, approved under the Erasmus+ program. The project consortium includes representatives from the University „1st of December 1918“ (Alba Julija, Romania), the University of Madeira (Portugal), the University of Palermo (Italy), WEBIN (Western Balkans Institute, Belgrade, Serbia), as well as representatives from CESIE (Palermo, Italy). The project focus is on creating an inclusive educational environment at the tertiary level to retain underrepresented students, including Roma, migrants, and others, in both national and European contexts. Additionally, the project aims to enhance collaboration between higher education institutions, civil sector and other relevant stakeholders in the local and national community.
On the first day of the meeting, after welcoming addresses from the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities (Faculdade artes e humanidades), Joaquim José Sanches Pinheiro, and the hosts from the University of Madeira – prof. Alcina Sousa and prof. Goncalo Gouveia, as well as the project coordinator dr Jelena Prtljaga, various project management and quality-related issues were discussed. The meeting included presentations on the progress of the project results 2 and 3, as well as reports given by the representatives of project partners and coordinators of creating individual project results. They refer to developing training programs for teaching and non-teaching staff, creating supporting publications, and collecting, exchanging, and creating other materials related to cross-sector collaboration aimed at effectively supporting underrepresented students who are in the focus of the project. The contributions of The Preschool Teacher Treining and Medical College in Vršac in creating programs and materials for training teaching and non-teaching staff in the field of interculturality were presented (dr Ivana Đorđev, prepared and delivered the presentation). The first working day of the meeting took place at the University campus and included a tour of part of the campus, followed by a visit to a traditional Portuguese restaurant and a folklore performance.
On the second day of the meeting, current partner activities and related tasks were discussed and reviewed, particularly concerning result 4, as well as the presentation and planning of the result 5. The meeting also addressed the plan for implementing project activities (providing training for teaching and non-teaching staff, as well as students, presenting the toolkit for strengthening the cooperation between civil sector and HEIs), as well as and disseminating project results to the wider public. Attention was given to planning and setting timeframes for organizing events to share project results (Multiplier Events) with the public. This international project work took place in a highly pleasant and dynamic working atmosphere and involved at least two representatives from each project partner. Representatives from the following institutions were present: dr Teodora Iordanescu Popescu, dr Crina Herteg (University „1st December 1918″), dr Alcina Sousa, dr Gonçalo Gouveia (University of Madeira), Jelena Nastić-Stojanović, Sanja Kovačević (Western Balkans Institute – WEBIN), Jelena Mazaj, Giulia Tarantino (CESIE), dr Gianna Capello, Paola Macaluso (University of Palermo). Representatives of the from the Vršac were dr Jelena Prtljaga, dr Marija Aleksandrović and dr Ivana Đorđev. The project meeting was complemented by the exploration of the sights, culture, customs, and the rich flora and fauna of the Portuguese island of Madeira in the northern Atlantic Ocean.