U periodu od 3. do 6. maja održana je 2. razvojna radionica i sastanak konzorcijuma projekta STATUS u Palermu u Italiji. Međunarodni projekat STATUS (Steering Transition and Advancement of Tertiary Underrepresented Students, 2021–2024), odobren je u okviru Erazmus+ programa i Visoka škola u Vršcu je koordinator projektnog konzorcijuma. Sastanku su prisustvovali predstavnici svih projektnih partnera: Univerzitet ,,1. decembar 1918.” (Alba Julija, Rumunija), Univerzitet Madeira (Portugal), WEBIN (Western Balkans Institute, Beograd, Srbija), kao i domaćina, nevladine organizacije CESIE (Palermo) i Univerziteta iz Palerma (Italija). Ovo je bila prilika da se učesnici osvrnu na sve što je projektom već realizovano i da se usvoji odličan izveštaj o eksternoj evaluaciji kvaliteta prvog projektnog rezultata, e-repozitorijuma dobrih praksi (https://status.uskolavrsac.edu.rs), kao i da se dogovore koraci za završetak rada na izradi još dva projektna rezultata: e-publikacije – alata za unapređenje saradnje između visokog obrazovanja i civilnog sektora i materijala za obuku nastavnog i nenastavnog osoblja na visokoškolskim ustanovama za senzibilizaciju za rad sa nedovoljno zastupljenim grupama studenata. Drugog dana sastanka počela je i priprema za rad na četvrtom projektnom rezultatu: obuci i osnaživanju studenata. Kao koordinatori ovog radnog paketa, partneri sa Univerziteta u Medeiri predložili su metodologiju rada koja predviđa tesnu saradnju sa studentima na kreiranju materijala i vođenju procesa njihovog osnaživanja. Nastavlja se jačanje saradnje, razmena i kreiranje drugih materijala iz oblasti međusektorske saradnje, usmerenih na efikasan pristup i podršku postignućima studenata koji su u fokusu projekta. Sastanak je zaokružen razmatranjima daljih koraka, termina za realizaciju pojedinih projektnih zadataka, kao i dogovorom o narednim onlajn i uživo susretima. U ovom međunarodnom projektnom radu učestvovali su: Alcina Sousa, Gonçalo Gouveia (Portugal), Jelena Nastić-Stojanović, Marko Stojanović, (WEBIN, Srbija), Gianna Capello i Giulia Tarantino (Italija), Teodora Iordanescu Popescu, Crina Herteg (Rumunija). Ispred Visoke škole u Vršcu sastanku su prisustvovali: dr Jelena Prtljaga, dr Slavica Komatina i Radmila Palinkašević.
Na sastanku projektnog tima Visoke škole održanog 22. maja u prostorijama škole, koordinator projekta, dr Jelena Prtljaga, obavestila je kolege o svemu dogovorenom u Palermu, zajednički su razrađeni planovi za neposredni angažman prisutnih nastavnika i nastavljen je timski rad na daljoj realizaciji projekta.
In the period between May 3rd to May 6th , the Second development workshop and the Second Transnational Project meeting of the STATUS project consortium was held in Palermo, Italy. The international project STATUS (Steering Transition and Advancement of Tertiary Underrepresented Students, 2021–2024) was approved within the Erasmus+ program and the College in Vršac is the coordinating institution. The meeting was attended by representatives of all project partners: University ”1. December 1918.” (Alba Julia, Romania), Madeira University (Portugal), WEBIN (Western Balkans Institute, Belgrade, Serbia), as well as the hosts, the non-governmental organization CESIE (Palermo) and the University of Palermo (Italy). This was an opportunity for the participants to look back on everything that has already been realized by the project and to adopt an excellent report on the external evaluation of the quality of the first project result, the e-repository of good practices (https://status.uskolavrsac.edu.rs), as well as to agree on the steps to complete the work on the creation of two more project results: e-publications – tools for improving cooperation between higher education and the civil sector and materials for training teaching and non-teaching staff at higher education institutions to raise awareness for work with underrepresented groups of students. On the second day of the meeting, preparations began for work on the fourth project result: training and empowerment of students. As coordinators of this work package, partners from the University of Medeira proposed a work methodology that envisages close cooperation with students on creating materials and leading the process of their empowerment. The strengthening of cooperation, exchange and creation of other materials from the field of intersectoral cooperation, aimed at effective access and support for the achievements of students who are the focus of the project, continues. The meeting was wrapped up with consideration of further steps, deadlines for the implementation of certain project tasks, as well as an agreement on the next online and live meetings. The following project partner representatives participated in this international project meeting: Dr Alcina Sousa, Dr Gonçalo Gouveia (Portugal), Jelena Nastić-Stojanović, Marko Stojanović, (WEBIN, Serbia), Dr Gianna Capello and Giulia Tarantino (Italy), Dr Teodora Iordanescu Popescu, Dr Crina Herteg (Romania). Representing the College in Vršac, the meeting was attended by Dr Jelena Prtljaga, Dr Slavica Komatina and Radmila Palinkašević, MA.
At the College internal project team meeting held on May 22nd in the College premises, the project coordinator, Dr Jelena Prtljaga, informed her colleagues about everything agreed in Palermo, joint plans were developed for the immediate engagement of the teachers present, and teamwork continued on the further implementation of the project.