Izveštaj o realizovanoj projektnoj aktivnosti rezultata 2 (R2) u okviru projekta STATUS (Steering Transition and Advancement of Tertiary Underrepresented Students, 2021-1-RS01-KA220-HED-000032129, 2021–2024)
U četvrtak, 14. 12. i petak 15. 12. 2023. godine na Visokoj strukovnoj vaspitačkoj i medicinskoj školi u Vršcu uspešno je održana obuka Interkulturalnost – tačka susretanja, koja je imala cilj da nastavnom i nenastavnom osoblju u visokom obrazovanju ponudi teorijske i praktične impulse za efikasnije negovanje interkulturalnosti u savremenom društvu, posebno u vaspitno–obrazovnom kontekstu i neposrednom radu sa studentima. Obuka je bila deo aktivnosti koje se sprovode u okviru projektnog rezultata 2 međunarodnog projekta STATUS (Steering Transition and Advancement of Tertiary Underrepresented Students, 2021–2024, ref. br. 2021-1-RS01-KA220-HED-000032129), odobrenog u okviru Erazmus+ programa i usmerenog ka izgradnji inkluzivnih sistema visokog obrazovanja i promovisanju njihove međusobne povezanosti. Tematski fokus projekta je na stvaranju podsticajnog okruženja na tercijarnom nivou obrazovanja za zadržavanje nedovoljno zastupljenih studenata (Romi, migranti, socijalno deprivirane grupe i dr.) u nacionalnim i evropskim kontekstima. Obuku je pohađalo ukupno 24 polaznika, pre svega sa dve visokoškolske ustanove – Visoke škole u Vršcu i Fakulteta za obrazovanje učitelja i vaspitača Univerziteta u Beogradu.
Report on the implemented project activity, Result 2 (R2), within the STATUS project (Steering Transition and Advancement of Tertiary Underrepresented Students, 2021-1-RS01-KA220-HED-000032129, 2021–2024)
On Thursday and Friday (14th and 15th of December, 2023) the training Interculturality – A meeting point was successfully held at the Preschool Teacher Training and Medical College in Vršac. The aim of the training was to provide theoretical and practical insights to teaching and non-teaching staff in higher education for more effective cultivation of interculturality in contemporary society, especially in the educational context and direct interaction with students. The training was part of the activities conducted within Result 2 of the international project STATUS (Steering Transition and Advancement of Tertiary Underrepresented Students, 2021–2024, ref. no. 2021-1-RS01-KA220-HED-000032129), approved under the Erasmus+ program, focused on building inclusive higher education systems and promoting their interconnectedness. The thematic focus of the project is on creating a supportive environment at the tertiary education level for retaining underrepresented students (Roma, migrants, socially deprived groups, etc.) in national and European contexts. A total of 24 participants attended the training, primarily from two higher education institutions – the Preschool Teacher Training and Medical College in Vršac and the Faculty of Education of Teachers and Preschool Teachers at the University of Belgrade.