U četvrtak i petak, 5. 5. i 6. 5. 2022. godine, Visoka škola strukovnih studija za vaspitače ,,Mihailo Palov” u Vršcu bila je organizator i domaćin sastanka u okviru prvog radnog paketa međunarodnog projekta STATUS (Steering Transition and Advancement of Tertiary Underrepresented Students, 2021–2024), odobrenog u okviru Erazmus+ programa i usmerenog ka izgradnji inkluzivnih sistema visokog obrazovanja i stvaranju podsticajnog okruženja na tercijarnom nivou obrazovanja za zadržavanje nedovoljno zastupljenih studenata, u nacionalnim i evropskom kontekstu. Visoka škola u Vršcu je koordinator i učesnik projektnog konzorcijuma, koga čine i predstavnici Univerziteta ,,1. decembar 1918.” (Alba Julija, Rumunija), Univerziteta Madeira (Portugal), Univerziteta iz Palerma (Italija), WEBIN-a (Western Balkans Institute, Beograd, Srbija), kao i predstavnici CESIE (Palermo, Italija). Prvog dana sastanka, nakon pozdravnih reči doc. dr Jelene Prtljage, direktorke Visoke škole u Vršcu, koja je i moderirala sastanak, razmotrena su tekuća pitanja iz oblasti upravljanja projektom i diseminacije. Nakon toga, usledile su prezentacije inkluzivne prakse na nacionalnom nivou za Srbiju (rezultat istraživanja Visoke škole u Vršcu, izlagač: dr Slavica Komatina), Rumuniju, Italiju i Portugal, te predstavljane inkluzivne prakse na visokim obrazovnim institucijama u Velikoj Britaniji, baltičkim i skandinavskim zemljama, Češkoj, Mađarskoj, Poljskoj, Slovačkoj, Austriji, Nemačkoj, Španiji, Francuskoj, Švajcarskoj i Irskoj. Prvi radni dan zaključen je diskusijom o uvidima u inkluzivnu praksu na nivou visokog obrazovanja u različitim zemljama. Drugi dan sastanka bio je posvećen koncipiranju svojevrsnog E-repozitorijuma dobre inkluzivne prakse, što je planiran rezultat rada u okviru prvog radnog paketa. Prezentovani su konkretni primeri iz oblasti negovanja inkluzivne prakse na visokim obrazovnim institucijama u Srbiji, Rumuniji, Italiji, Portugaliji. Sastanak je zaokružen razmatranjima daljih koraka u realizaciji projektnih zadataka i dogovorom o narednim onlajn i uživo susretima projektnih partnera. Sastanak je protekao u izuzetno prijatnoj radnoj atmosferi, a internacionalni gosti imali su priliku i da se upoznaju sa pojedinim znamenitostima Vršca i gastronomskom ponudom. U ovom dinamičnom i efikasnom međunarodnom radu učestvovali su: Alcina Sousa (Portugal), Jelena Nastić-Stojanović, Marko Stojanović (Srbija), Gianna Capello (Italija), Paola Macaluso (Italija), Giulia Tarantino (Italija) i putem onlajn uključivanja Teodora Iordanescu Popescu (Rumunija). Ispred Visoke škole u Vršcu sastanku su prisustvovali: doc. dr Jelena Prtljaga, dr Slavica Komatina, dr Predrag Prtljaga, dr Ivana Đorđev, a u pripremi materijala i dr Marija Aleksandrović.
(Priprema narativnog dela Izveštaja: dr Ivana Đorđev, tehnička priprema: dr Predrag Prtljaga)
On Thursday May 5th and Friday May 6th 2022, the Preschool Teacher Training College "Mihailo Palov" in Vršac was the organizer and host of the meeting within the first work package of the international project STATUS (Steering Transition and Advancement of Tertiary Underrepresented Students, 2021–2024), approved within the Erasmus+ program and aimed at building inclusive higher education systems and creating a stimulating environment at the tertiary level of education for the retention of underrepresented students, in a national and European context. The college in Vršac is the coordinator and participant of the project consortium, which also includes representatives of the University “1. December 1918.” (Alba Iulia, Romania), University of Madeira (Portugal), University of Palermo (Italy), WEBIN (Western Balkans Institute, Belgrade, Serbia), as well as representatives of CESIA (Palermo, Italy). On the first day of the meeting, after the welcoming words of Dr Jelena Prtljaga, director of the College in Vršac, who also moderated the meeting, current issues in the field of project management and dissemination were discussed. After that, there were presentations of inclusive practice at the national levels of Serbia (result of the research of the College in Vršac, presented by Dr Slavica Komatina), Romania, Italy and Portugal, and inclusive practices at higher education institutions in Great Britain, the Baltic and Scandinavian countries were presented, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Austria, Germany, Spain, France, Switzerland and Ireland. The first working day was concluded with a discussion on insights into inclusive practice at the level of higher education in different countries. The second day of the meeting was dedicated to designing of E-repository of good inclusive practice, which is the planned Result 1 of the work within the first work package. Concrete examples from the field of fostering inclusive practices at higher educational institutions in Serbia, Romania, Italy, and Portugal were presented. The meeting was wrapped up by discussing further steps in the implementation of project tasks and agreeing on the next online and live meetings of the project partners. The meeting took place live at the College, in an extremely pleasant working atmosphere, and the international guests had the opportunity to get to know some of the sights of Vršac and the gastronomic offer. In this dynamic and efficient international work, the following partner institution representatives participated: Dr Alcina Sousa (Portugal), Jelena Nastić-Stojanović, Marko Stojanović (Serbia), Dr Gianna Capello (Italy), Paola Macaluso (Italy), Dr Giulia Tarantino (Italy); there were also online participants of the meeting: Dr Teodora Iordanescu Popescu and Dr Crina Herteg (Romania). Representing the College in Vršac, the meeting was attended by: Dr Jelena Prtljaga, Dr Slavica Komatina, Dr Predrag Prtljaga, Dr Ivana Đorđev and Dr Marija Aleksandrović, in the phase of the preparation of the material.
(Narrative part of the report written by Dr Ivana Đorđev, technical support: Dr Predrag Prtljaga)
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