U petak, 26. 1. 2023. godine, sa početkom u 15.30 po lokalnom vremenu, održan je dvočasovni onlajn sastanak projektnih partnera međunarodnog projekta STATUS (Steering Transition and Advancement of Tertiary Underrepresented Students, 2021–2024), koji je odobren u okviru Erazmus+ programa. Visoka škola u Vršcu je koordinator i učesnik projektnog konzorcijuma, koga čine i predstavnici Univerziteta ,,1. decembar 1918.” (Alba Julija, Rumunija), Univerziteta Madeira (Portugal), Univerziteta iz Palerma (Italija), WEBIN-a (Western Balkans Institute, Beograd, Srbija), kao i predstavnici CESIE (Palermo, Italija). Nakon pozdravnog obraćanja i uvodnih reči koordinatora projekta i moderatora sastanka, diskutovan je rezultat rada prvog radnog paketa – e-Repozitorijum. Ovaj onlajn resurs sadrži primere domaće i međunarodne inkluzivne prakse u visokom obrazovanju. Istaknut je značaj ovoga produkta, njegova ilustrativnost, ali i potencijal da bude vodič i motivacija za dalja promišljanja usmerena ka izgradnji inkluzivnih sistema visokog obrazovanja i stvaranju podsticajnog okruženja na tercijarnom nivou obrazovanja za zadržavanje nedovoljno zastupljenih studenata, kako u nacionalnim tako i u evropskom kontekstu. Razmatrana je otvorenost Repozitorijuma za nove primere, kao i mogućnosti diseminacije ovog resursa. U nastavku sastanka izložena je koncepcija rada drugog i trećeg radnog paketa, kojima koordiniraju inostrani projektni partneri, uz prezentaciju i diskusiju potrebnih modela za rad. Ovi radni paketi podrazumevaju razvijanje programa obuke za nastavno i nenastavno osoblje, koncipiranje prateće publikacije, kao i prikupljanje, razmenu i kreiranje drugih materijala iz oblasti međusektorske saradnje, usmerenih na efikasan pristup i podršku postignućima studenata koji su u fokusu projekta. Sastanak je zaokružen razmatranjima daljih koraka, termina za realizaciju pojedinih projektnih zadataka, kao i dogovorom o narednim onlajn i uživo susretima. U ovom međunarodnom projektnom radu učestvovali su: Alcina Sousa, Gonçalo Gouveia (Portugal), Jelena Nastić-Stojanović, Marko Stojanović, Sanja Kovačević (WEBIN, Srbija), Gianna Capello (Italija), Giulia Tarantino (Italija), Teodora Iordanescu Popescu, Crina Herteg (Rumunija). Ispred Visoke škole u Vršcu sastanku su prisustvovali: dr Jelena Prtljaga, dr Slavica Komatina, dr Predrag Prtljaga, mr Biljana Vujasin, dr Snežana Prtljaga, dr Ivana Đorđev, msr Radmila Palinkašević.
(Priprema narativnog dela Izveštaja: dr Ivana Đorđev, tehnička priprema: dr Predrag Prtljaga)
On Friday, January 26, 2023, starting at 3:30 p.m. local time, a two-hour online meeting was held, gathering the project partners of the international project STATUS (Steering Transition and Advancement of Tertiary Underrepresented Students, 2021–2024) within the Erasmus+ program. The college in Vršac is the coordinator and the partner of the project consortium, which also includes representatives of the University ”1. December 1918.” (Alba Iulia, Romania), University of Madeira (Portugal), University of Palermo (Italy), WEBIN (Western Balkans Institute, Belgrade, Serbia), as well as representatives of CESIE (Palermo, Italy). After the welcoming address and introductory words of the project coordinator and meeting moderator, the result of the work of the first work package – e-Repository – was discussed. This online OE resource contains examples of national and international inclusive practices in higher education. The importance of this product, its illustrative nature, but also the potential to be a guide and motivation for further reflection directed towards the construction of inclusive higher education systems and the creation of a stimulating environment at the tertiary level of education for the retention of underrepresented students, both in the national and European context, were highlighted. The openness of the Repository for new examples was discussed, as well as the possibilities of dissemination of this resource. In the continuation of the meeting, the conception of the work of the production of Results 2 and 3 within second and third work packages, which are coordinated by foreign project partners, has been presented, along with the presentation and discussion of the necessary working models. These work packages include developing a training program for teaching and non-teaching staff, designing an accompanying publication, as well as collecting, exchanging and creating other materials from the field of intersectoral cooperation, aimed at effective access and support for the achievements of students who are the focus of the project. The meeting was wrapped up with discussion about further steps, deadlines for the implementation of certain project tasks, as well as an agreement on the next online and live meetings. The following participants as representatives of partner institutions of STATUS international project were present at the meeting: Dr Alcina Sousa, Dr Gonçalo Gouveia (Portugal), Jelena Nastić-Stojanović, Marko Stojanović, Sanja Kovačević (WEBIN, Serbia), Dr Gianna Capello (Italy), Giulia Tarantino (Italy), Dr Teodora Iordanescu Popescu, Dr Crina Herteg (Romania). The representatives of the College in Vršac as coordinating institution were the following: Dr Jelena Prtljaga., Dr Slavica Komatina, Dr Predrag Prtljaga, Biljana Vujasin, MA, Dr Snežana Prtljaga, Dr Ivana Đorđev and Radmila Palinkašević, MA.